Monday, September 14, 2009

Nice day ride to Savanna, Il

I took last Thursday off from work to have a day of riding. I still have the granddaughters with me so the only riding I get to do is going back and forth to teaching MC classes or a commute to work. The thought of spending a day on the bike was exciting. I spent the evening trying to decide where to go. It wasn't until that morning after I got the girls off to daycare/school that I decided to head west. Checking the map the evening before, it looked like US HWY 52 from Joliet, IL to Savanna, IL would be one nice option.
There was a slight fog that lasted most of the ride to Savanna. This meant the temperature stayed in the low 60's which was a slight bit chilly since I chose to ride in mesh (top and bottom). The rode had gentle curves and hills from I-39 onwards. With the corn tall in the fields, most of the curves were blind. I made a pit stop at Palisades State Park and took a snapshot from the overlook at the south entrance. The sun was unimpeded for the ride back brought the temps back into the low 80's. Overall, a great day that burned on a meager 365 miles.